ATIA Advocacy Win – Government reforms to reduce cancellations and increase aviation competition

Great news! ATIA's advocacy has led to a major breakthrough with the Federal Government's reforms to Sydney Airport slot management.


ATIA worked very hard to build a group of committed stakeholders to drive the Government into making this reform. This is because every time there is a cancellation, we know, it creates more work which you are not remunerated for and the current rules are not fair to ATAS members or your clients.


ATIA is committed to continuing the push for change and reform to support an environment that allows you and your business to thrive. Thanks for your support to date and please keep on being involved by joining ATIA’s Travel Exchange and our webinars.


The Federal Government’s announcement is here.


ATIA’s detailed research paper on the need for reform which includes analysis of trends over two decades by former Qantas Economist Tony Webber is here.