ATIA Skills and Workforce Survey – Show Your Love!

The survey has been extended to 14 February


You are invited to provide your input to ATIA’s Skills & Workforce Survey.

This survey is open to all Australian Travel Agents whether you are ATIA or not, the aim is to have a quality sample from across the industry.

Many of you are probably still facing challenges in attracting and retaining staff.  ATIA extended the survey to 14 February to make sure they capture as many of your responses as they can.


Your input helps build the case for Government support and dedicated programs, and ensure the industry has the skilled workforce it needs now and into the future.


ATIA would also love to hear your priorities for 2024.


The Survey

Click here to take  ATIA’s Skills & Workforce Survey.


The survey asks about Travel Consultants (including Reservations Consultants, Travel Advisors etc), Travel Agency Managers, Tour Guides, and Sales, Marketing and Business Development roles, with the option to skip the roles that aren’t relevant to you. ATIA have kept it to a few key roles this time, but please feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat about any others that are important to your business.


There are questions on recruitment, training needs, and Government support or programs you would find useful to help you find and employ the right people.


You can hear more about the survey here.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ingrid Fraser of ATIA at